lundi 11 novembre 2013


It is now widely acknowledged that it’s no longer possible to theorize or practice unlimited growth in a finite system such as our planet.This has brought a collective awareness, a conversion of the socio-economic system, a “virtuous” propensity to increase levels of well-being and efficiency through small, but valuable actions. It has led to disseminate, more convincingly, a lasting and sustainable growth that respects the present, but keeps pace with the changing world.Power Clouds is a silent revolution, the development of common planning according to a new logic known as “networking,” joining efforts to overcome distance and feel stronger. Power Clouds is an extraordinary opportunity to be a mechanism for change, focusing on those who are willing to invest in a new development model, based on clean and renewable technologies. It’s a way to convert a key ecological system in global energy, and with it, create a sustainable vision of the future. It can be said, in other words, that believing in the idea that real innovation lies in understanding that some things depend on our choices. It also means reuniting a single vision, different territorial contexts, but also believing in common values.It is not sufficient enough to design tomorrow’s infrastructure to enable acting in a sustainable way, but it’s necessary to engage, share, “think globally and act locally”, to be able to trigger real change in the world. With Power Clouds are witnessing a reversal that sees the individual citizen as not bearing interest, but as an initiatives promoter who’s vital to the planet, designed to achieve one goal: to protect the right to life of present and future generations.It’s time to write a new story together.

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